
Showing posts from August, 2024

Every Coen Brothers Movie Ranked

Every Coen Brothers Movie Ranked from Worst to Best       As anyone who has listened to the podcast can tell you, I am a longtime fan of the directing duo Joel and Ethan Coen. It is the opinion of this reviewer that the Coens have released some of the finest motion pictures ever committed to the silver screen. Because I've been too busy with moving this week to watch a movie for the blog and recently closed out their filmography, then, I've decided to instead give you what you've all been waiting for(?) and rank their each and every film from worst to best for your reading pleasure!  #18) Barton Fink      We begin with the only Coen brothers movie about which I truly have nothing positive to say. While their dramas tend to be relatively straightforward in their execution, Coen brothers movies that lean more comedic tend to navigate an exceedingly delicate balance among sometimes contradictory forces of drama, pathos, and surrealism or what you might ca...

Longlegs (Spoiler Free Review [aside from some basic plot details])

  Longlegs  Genre: Horror Director: Oz Perkins Released: 2024      If you missed the excitement, Longlegs is one of the year's buzziest surprise hits: an oppressive, nerve-shredding psychological horror movie and heir apparent to the legacy of The Silence of the Lambs that serves as another stop in the Nicholas Cage career revivification tour to boot. It was entranced with such marketing hooks that I found myself awaiting Longlegs in a sparsely populated theater a few weeks ago, and it was those promises that may have ultimately been the obstacle barring my access to the Longlegs hype train.       Let's be very clear up front: this movie is similar to Silence of the Lambs in its initial conceit and that alone. The movie is about a young, troubled, female FBI agent tracking down a serial killer of shockingly violent proclivities, but that, and I cannot stress this enough, is where the similarities end.       Silence of the Lambs...