The Current Cinematic Paradigm
American historian Thomas Kuhn's most influential theory holds that when we chart the developmental course of science we aren't tracing a steadily rising line of progress, but rather that we are chronicling a series of paradigm shifts. Essentially, the story of scientific thought is the story of an evolving set of models against which all science is judged. For example, the current paradigm of science is the theory of relativity. I won't pretend to understand that theory, and you don't really need to in order to grasp Kuhn's ideas, you just need to know that if a scientific hypothesis or test or experiment doesn't conform to relativity, the test is discarded rather than the paradigm. There's more to this theory, and I'd encourage you to read more about it yourself if you're interested, but I've recently become increasingly convinced that a similar kind of view could be applied to the evolution of narrative, stylistic, and technologica...